How do you get Cash Advance from your Credit Card
Would you like to learn how do you get cash advance from your credit card but just don’t know where to look for reliable information? Although there are many types of credit cards or credit card brands using credit card cash advance feature is basically the same for all kinds of cards that have this feature. First of all, if you are not aware that your credit card is a cash advance credit card then you should contact your credit card company customer support to inquire. And once you have confirmed that your credit card indeed has this feature, you may now start following these steps:
- Figure out how much remaining credit you have on your credit card. You will only be allowed to process an amount that you still have left on your card. Along with this rule, some credit card companies may only provide cash advance to users that have paid their current credit card bills.
- Decide whether you would like to process cash advance via an actual bank teller or through ATM. Both of these methods are covered by a processing fee but generally withdrawals via bank teller are charged with lower fees.
- In processing a withdrawal through a bank teller you should first accomplish a cash advance slip. Fill this with all the necessary information and when you are finished you should submit this to the bank teller along with your credit card and personal identification cards. You will be able to receive your cash after a few minutes. Keep your transaction slip so you will have a record of your transactions each time.
- Processing a cash advance via ATM is easy. You just need to use your cash advance credit card in an ATM that accepts your credit card brand and then follow the prompts that will be provided to you. You will be able to receive your cash as soon as possible and then get a receipt of your transaction afterwards as well.
- Calling customer service after you have made a cash advance transaction could help you learn about all the other features of your card as well as your credit balance. You may also enroll your card to view your balance online. Through an online site, you may also perform other activities like processing online payments, making balance transfers, checking on available balance and so many more.