The Best Credit Card Offers for Cash Advance
Do you need cash right away? Do not dismay, do you know aside from being able to purchase items on credit using your credit card, you may also use it for cash advance? Cash advance is basically what it is; you get cash through the balance that you have in your card to pay for purchases that are not covered by a credit card. And aside from this convenience, you may also avail of best credit card offers for cash advance too.
0% APR cash advance credit card offers and more
Possibly one of the most common offers for cash advance credit cards is a 0% APR and this only means that you won’t be charged interest for a certain period which is usually 6 months to a year depending on the credit card company. This is a great way to maximize the use of your credit card but be careful, once the period expires, interest may quickly jump to 21% to 36%. A smart credit card user takes the opportunity to learn about the terms behind a 0% APR since this could be easily overlooked.
Redeem points or miles
Depending on what kind of credit card you have, you will be able to avail of some features when you use your card. One of the best cash advance credit card offers are cash back offers and this is basically getting cash back into your account when you spend a particular amount using the card. Points are easy; there are stores and business establishments affiliated with the credit card company that offer points every time the card is used in their stores. Miles on the other hand are special points that are accumulated every time the card is used to pay for airfare or for travel expenses. Points and miles may be convertible to cash and deducted from the total amount of your purchases. These may also be used to avail of special gifts and offers depending on the credit card company and the affiliated establishment.
If you would like to know more about the different credit card offers available to you as a credit card user, you may contact your customer care representative using the number located at the back of your credit card. You may also find out more about cash advance credit card offers when you visit your credit card official website.